Wednesday, 17 June 2015


3.1 maxims
   _Maxim means a statement giving general truth or rule of conduct
 _Teaching is nothing but a simple statement
_Act as a guiding principle to the teacher
_Instructions becomes effective
_Maxims have not been wholly invested by any one educationalist
_It is the byproduct of the innumerable educational studies conducted for years
_Active involvement and participation of the learner in the teaching learning process
_Develop interest among the children and motivate them to learn
_Learning easy, effective and meaningful.
Principles of teaching
a) Proceed from known to unknown
  - New knowledge to be imparted should be linked with the experience already gained by the pupils
-Learning become easy and meaningful
-Assimilation of new ideas can be made possible by this correlation.
b) Proceed from simple to complex
-Subject matter should be divided into different aspects
-All these aspects should be arranged according to the difficulty value of the content
-Recollect the spiral approach
-Simple idea should be given in the beginning and they should be followed by the complex ones
-Simple from the point of view of the learner and not the teacher
c) Proceed from actual to representative
-Real, actual and natural objects appeal more to children than the representative objects.
d) Proceed from particular to general
-Drawing generalization
-Particular examples should be given at first, and then the pupils should be enabled to arrived at some generalizations by closely observing these particular cases
-Familiarity with the concrete, particular instances will make the generalization meaningful
e) Proceed from empirical to rational
-Empirical knowledge is based on the knowledge gained through observation and direct experience
-Rational knowledge is based on the logical analysis of the experience
 principles of teaching
1) Principle of activity
-Children’s are active
-Learning effective and meaningful
-Motivate the learners and makes them active participants in the learning process
2) Principle of motivation –motivate all children to learn
-Motivation arouses the interest of children
-Pupils are willing to concentrate and work
3) Principle of self education
-Learn by his own efforts
-Teacher must refine the imagination of the students and motivate them to indulge in self activities
4) Principle of individual difference
-No two children are alike
-Teaching should cater to the individual difference of the children
5) Principle of goal setting
-Goal must be set before each child according to the standard expected of him
-Very clear, definite and suited to the level of learners
-Children should be aware of these goals
6) Principle of simulation
-Giving right kind of stimuli
-Create motivation; arouse interest and promote action on the part of the learners
7) Principle of effect
-A response is strengthened if it is followed by pleasure and weakened if followed by displeasure
-Effective learning can be achieved only by making it a pleasurable experience
8) Principle of training of séances
-Senses are the gateways to knowledge
-Proper sensory experiences will lead to strong and correct perception
-Teacher should train the senses and also provide as many sensory experiences as possible
9) Principles of group dynamics
-Change in the behavior of the member of the group
-Create a suitable climate for the effective functioning of group spirit in the classroom
10) Principle of creativity
-Every student possesses some elements of creativity-providing opportunities that warrant divergent thinking and encouraging pupils to come forward with novel suggestions
11) Principle of linkage with life
-Teaching can never be performed in a vacuum
-Should be correlated to the life of the individual as well as that in the society
12) Principle of remedial teaching
-All students cannot learn with the same speed and accomplishment
-Should be diagnosed then and there and remedial instruction should be provided
13) Principle of creating conducive environment
-The teacher should create a proper physical, psychological as well as a social environment
14) Principle of planning
-Planning determines the quality or success of any task
-Teacher should plan properly before the delivery of the lesson
15) Principle of flexibility
-Teacher should readily change his strategies of teaching
-Change in the teaching –learning environment. The social context, nature of the learning material and potential of the learners
3.2 Approaches of Teaching Commerce
 3.2.1 Learner centered approach
  - Learners is given prominence
-effective teaching and learning
-Should concentrate on the needs and abilities of learners
-Learning is most meaningful
-Actively engaged in creating, understanding, and structuring knowledge
-Higher motivation to learning
-Learners who are allowed to explore, experiment, and discover on their own
Characteristics of learner centered education
-         The learner comes to the focus of the education process
-         The subject , the curriculum , the teacher and the method become subsidiary things
-         The learners learn in an atmosphere of freedom and fearlessness with dignity and due responsibility in accordance with his needs ,interest, ability and aptitude
-         It involves the principles of love and free discipline
-         The developmental level of learners , in term of their needs ,interest, abilities competencies and aptitudes are taken into consideration while providing learning experience
-         Learning environment which is to be shared environment and they learn through observation , sharing of experience , imitation ,task oriented action as well as reflection
3.2.2 Competency based approach (module 4 … (4.6))
3.2.3 Multimedia approach
 - Use of several media – audio visual and audio –visual
- The learning experience provided through such media are mediated experience
-Various media would make certain types of learning task easier
-Use of single medium cannot fulfill the requirements of developmental education various media have to be used in combination
-It also called media mix or the multimedia approach

3.3. Approaches of teaching accountancy
1) The balance sheet approach
2) The equation approach
3) The spiral development approaches
1)    The balance sheet approach

-         This approach is based on the maxim whole to parts
-         Initially the students are given a general idea regarding the complete accounting cycle and then detailed study starts with the balance sheet
-         This approach is criticized because it violated the maxim simple to complex by reversing the order
a) To start with, the complete accounting cycle is introduced
b) Then, a summary account of closing the income and expense account is presented
c) Next, it is repeated, some adjustment of inventory account also is added
d) Then, liabilities account is introduced after the review of previous work
e) Next, the teacher takes up assets accounts but only after review of previous work
f) Then after review of previous work, some more adjustment work is added
g) Now more formal statements about accounts be maintained
h) Finally the scrutiny of accounts and then journalizing be introduced
2) The equation approach
-Accounting equation is a statement of equality between the debits and credits
-The assets of a business are always equal to the sum of the liabilities and the capital
  Accounting equations
Assets=liabilities+ capital
Important steps
a) Introducing accounting equations
b) Introducing the concept of increase in assets, liabilities, capital revenues, and expenses with the help of a sample balance sheet
c) Introducing the rules of debit and credit
Nature of account
Owners equity
Transactions may be divided into five categories
·        Transaction related to assets
·        Transaction related to liabilities.
·        Transaction related to owners equity.
·        Transaction related to  revenue
·        Transaction related to expenses
d) Introducing the concept ‘double entry system ‘
e) Preparing journal
f) Preparing ledger account
g) Preparing trial balance
h) Preparing trading, profit and loss account
I) preparing balance sheet
3) The spiral development approach
- In this approach the complete cycle is enveloped by adding some additional knowledge while repeating each step;
a) Introducing the Concept Transaction
B) Transactions+ Debit and Credit
C) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals
D) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals+ Journalizing
E) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account
F) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting
G) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting+ Balancing
H) Transactions + Debit and Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting+ Balancing+ Trial Balance
I) Transactions + Debit And Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting+ Balancing+ Trial Balance +Trial Balance
J) Transactions + Debit And Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting+ Balancing+ Trial Balance+ Trial Balance+ Trading, Profit And Loss Account
K) Transactions + Debit And Credit +Journals+ Journalizing+ Ledger Account +Posting+ Balancing+ Trial Balance + Trial Balance + Trading ,Profit And Loss Account + Balance Sheets
3.4 method of teaching commerce
-The method of teaching refers to the regular ways or orderly procedure employed by the teacher in guiding the pupils in order to accomplish the pre determined objectives of learning.
Factors which determine the selection of a teaching method
a) The objectives of instruction
-The objectives of instruction envisaged for a particular learning situation should form the basis for selecting the teaching method for that situation.
-Each type of development warrants appropriate strategies for it’s realization
b) The nature of the child
-Modern educational practice, the child should be the centre of all educational programs and activities
-The method of teaching adopted must provide experiences appropriate to the ability, interest and needs of pupils, as well as the specific developmental stage to which they belong
c) The nature of the subject matter
-The lesson must be well considered in selecting the method of teaching
d) The environment of the class
–room should also be taken into consideration while selecting a method of teaching.
e) Expertise of the teacher
-Mastery of the psychological principles of learning, method and techniques of teaching are fundamental to effective teaching and learning
-The method to be used must be well known to the teacher
-He must have a clear understanding of the principles and techniques involved in the method
 -The oldest teaching method
-It is based on the philosophy of idealism
-A teacher centered teaching method-all lectures are not effective and interesting and a number of drawbacks have been pointed out by educators
-help to reduce financial commitment of an institution.
Psychological principles leading to effective lecturing
       i.            The delivering of lecture should be in an active mode
     ii.            A lecturer should think from point of view the students. It should not be a mere exposition of his subject mastery
  iii.            The lecturer should present the subject matter in a systematic way.
  iv.            The lecturer should use the language which is easily understandable to each student.
     v.            The lecturer should sustain interest and attention by posing challenging situation and by interesting the lecture with mediators like interesting examples, anecdotes. Etc…

How to prepare and deliver more effective lectures

I.            Don’t  be so rigid with the plan of the talk
II.            It is probably better to outline the lecturer notes than to write everything to be exposed in full
III.            Distribute among the audience appropriate reading materials prior to the presentation
IV.            A good beginning is an important for an effective lecturer. A lecturer must capture the learners attention
V.            As already indicated intersperse the exposition with catching mediators
VI.            The appropriate use of humor is a wonderful means of stimulating attention and imagination.

Tips for delivering a good lecture
                      I.             Set a learning climate.
                   II.            Limit the quantum of information according to the time allotted
                III.            Use conversational rather than pedantic, authoritative tone
               IV.            Speaking should be clear, loud enough and maintain appropriate pace.
                  V.            Look at the learner ,while lecturing
               VI.            Ensure gestures and other body movements ,but don’t overdo it
            VII.            Compliment the lecture with other instructional method
Advantages of the lecture method
       I.            It is easy for the teacher to prepare and execute
    II.            Large number of students can be handled at the same time
 III.            The teacher can express his ideas very effect6ively by his tone , gestures and facial expression
IV.            It provides better opportunity for clarification of important things
   V.            It can be organized in accordance with the principles of educational psychology
VI.            This method is more helpful in introducing a new topic
VII.            Lecture method develops in the learners habits of close attention
VIII.            It provides opportunities of correlating events and subjects
Disadvantages of the lecture method
       I.            Lengthy lecture can easily to boredom
    II.            It does not encourage pupil activity unless the lecture is extremely competent
 III.            The students are generally passive recipients
IV.            The average students may not be able to fix up his attention to a lecture for a long duration
   V.            In this method more content may be covered by a teacher ,but less learning may take place
VI.            A lecture may become monotonous to the pupils  after a while
VII.            There is no way to know the reaction of the pupils. Because in most cases there is no interaction between the teacher and pupils.

3.5.2 Group discussion

     -  A group discussion means an exchange of ideas accompanied by active learning, with all the members of the group participants in it
-a group consists of the leader, group and topic
-the leader of the group is responsible for directing the discussion

     “The co-operative deliberation of problems by persons thinking and conversing together in face to face co-acting in group under the direction of the leader”
                                                                                                                            _mc Burney
Objectives of group discussion
a)  To stimulate reflective thinking
b) To enrich previous knowledge
c) To encourage creative expression
d) To develop desirable social attitude by participating in groups
e) To practice the technique of co-operative thinking
f) To develop the habit of group work
Principles of group discussion
a) Every group discussion should have some purpose
b) The topic should be related to the common needs and interest of the participants
c) Students should have sufficient background information and knowledge about the discussion topic
d) Individual members should be assigned with adequate responsibilities
e) The group leader should take initiative to report the progress of the discussion to the out side world
f) A fixed time schedule should be drawn up for the discussion
g) The teacher should ensure active participation of the members
Suggestions’ to make group a discussion effective
a) Attract the discussion on time
b) Try to make the group feel at ease
c) State the general purpose of the discussion well in advance
d) Word the topic clearly but concisely
e) Explain the discussion procedure and define its limits
f) Encourage participation by all members
g) Control the over talkative members
h) Don’t allow one or two members to monopolies’
i) Deal tactfully with irrelevant points presented
j) Avoid personal arguments
k) Keep the discussion moving
l) Ensure that discussion is relevant to the topic
m) Summaries occasionally
n) Use audio-visual aids wherever it is needed
Types of group discussion
1) Spontaneous discussion
- Student question about current events related to the topic under study
- The method helps the students to gain updated information as well as to analyses and relate facts to real life situation
-The knowledge of facts leads to the development of understanding
-Increase the level of learning of the students
2) Planned discussion
-The activities are planned in advance
- The teacher’s role is to encourage the students to participate actively in the discussion
-Teacher should also help the students in drawing conclusion
 Advantages of group discussion method
1) It develops group feeling and social participation
2) It develops self confidence and séance of responsibility among the individuals
3) It enable the learner to analyses the subject matter thoroughly
4) It helps to develop communication skill among students
5) The teacher can observe and collect information regarding the behavior of the students
Disadvantages of group discussion methods
1) It is time consuming
2) Lack of preparation among the students may make the discussion pointless
3) It is not applicable at lower level classes
3.5.3 Debate
- Two or more student’s contradictory opinions on a particular problem present arguments
-They are also given an opportunity to debate the opposite side
-Debate has a moderator
-In order to get significant result the teacher should work both with the debaters and the class
Elements of debate
1) Topic
2) Opposing Group
3) Favoring Group
4) Moderator
3.5.4 Project method
- This method is the direct outcome of John Dewey’s Pragmatic Philosophy
-The curriculum is translated into activities to be performed by the learners in a natural setting
-true knowledge is acquired not merely by reading books nor by attending lecture but by purposive and during by the learners themselves for the purpose of handling problematic life situation
-learning by doing, learning by living, problem orientation and working in natural settings are the four cardinal principles of this method
“A whole hearted, purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment “Dr. kilpatric                                                                                   
Principles of the project method
1) Purpose
  - The project should be purposeful
-It should be useful and practicable to the daily life of the pupil
- Aims for each project and the students should have a clear idea of what they are to do and for what purpose
2) Activity  
-The natural tendency of young boys and girls to engage in activity
- The teacher allow them to think and plan independently, to exercise their judgment and to work out the project to the best of their ability
3) Utility
- The project should be useful
-Activities undertaken must be completed and the knowledge gained there from must lead to further acquisition of knowledge
4) Freedom
-There should be full freedom of the students to work on their own accord
-project should grow out of students own purpose and need
5) Economical
- The project be economical
- It should be achieved without any waste of time or money or effort
6) Challenging
- The project should be challenging and oriented to problem solving
- Students would prefer to do task which required reasonable amount of efforts
7) Feasibility
-The project should be feasible
-Giving final approval to the project, this factors also should considered
Steps involved in a project
1) Providing a situation
- A suitable situation where the students find some scope for carrying out a useful activity
- The teacher should always be on the lookout for curricular or co-curricular situation that would provide ‘problematic act’ t6hat could be carried to completion in a natural setting
2) Choosing and purposive
- The teacher should guide the student’s in such a way that they are in a position to choose a good project by themselves
- The aim of the project methods is to develop the ability to9 think, make proper choice, fix up feasible goals or purpose, plan and execute a project, etc… among the students
- The teacher is only a guide
3) Planning
- The success of the project depends upon good planning g
- Planning should be done by the students themselves under the guidance of the teacher
4) Executing the project
- The teacher helps the students in dividing the project selected by them into its major components and to distribute these among the participants according to the plan
-The most time consuming one in the project
- A serious of activities has to be undertaken by the students
-Teacher should ensure that the work is distributed among the students according to their abilities and interest
5) Evaluation the project
- The should be monitored and guided by taking feedback and ensuring that progress is made in the desired direction leading to the ultimate goal
-The students must review their work and try to see what mistakes they have committed in planning or in charring out there project
-This stage a sort of self criticisms is done by the students which are a very valuable form of training
-The teacher’s role at this stage of the project is to provide students with necessary slandered of evaluation and to guide them evaluate in the light of these standard
6) Recording
-students are encouraged to maintain a complete record of all activities connected with the project which is known as project report
Role of the teacher in the project method
-         He should provide occasions for shy pupil to come forward
-         He should learn with the students and should not clam to know everything
-         A democratic atmosphere in the class
-         He should be alert all the time
-         Thorough knowledge of the abilities of individual students
-         He should have initiative ,tact and zeal for learning and should be well experienced
-         He is neither a dictator nor a commander ,but a friend ,guide and working partner
Types of project
-         The producer type ;
            The emphasis is laid down on the actual constriction of material ,object or article
The consumer type
            The main object is to obtain either direct or vicarious experience
                     The problem type
                                   Solve a problem involving the intellectual processes
                     The drill type
                                  Objective to attain mastery of a skill
Merits of project method
-         It is original
-         Independence to the [pupils
-         It has practical value
-         No place for the application of rote memory
-         Willing to do manual work
-         Creating democratic outlook
-         Being able to work in a realistic and natural setting
-         It provide a good relief to the backward children
Demerit of the project method
-it is too expensive
-  It is impractical in certain respects
-No time for practice
- Wastage of time
-it is very difficult to complete the prescribed curriculum through projects
-it is very difficult to select projects of social values
-difficult to evaluate the achievements of pupils
-lack of efficient teachers
-there can be no mastery of the subject of study
-it upsets the routine work of the school
3.5.5Problem solving method
A person uses his ability to analyses a problem confronted in order to arrive at a solution .
“Problem solving is a planned attack on difficulty for finding out satisfactory solution “
                                                                      -M.N.sing &S.B maheshwary
Characteristics of a good problem in a learning situation
-Clear & definite
- Challenging, interesting & curiosity
-Suitable to age, need, mental and physical capability of pupils
-Related to the actual life
-Understandable to the learners who face it
-Thought provoking
-Correlated to the existing knowledge of the learners
-Worthwhile and practical value
-workable with the resources available
-feasible within the time available
Teacher role in problem solving
-Giving Proper Guidance
-Optimum Help to Each Student
-Supply Only Adequate Information Regarding the Problem
-Keep Rapport with Students
-Maintain Spirit Of discovery among students
Steps in problem solving method
1) Sensing the problem

-         A problem arising out of situation
-         The teacher create a challenging situation in which the students feel the presence of the problem and need for solving it

2) Interpreting, defining and delimiting the problem

-         The problem is raised the teacher help the pupil to interpret and identify the exact problem involved through heuristic questions

-         3) suggesting hypothesis

-         Regarding feasible procedure leading to the solution

-         4) collecting the relevant data

-         The systematic identification and collection and collection of the data ,relevant to the problem the problematic situation is very complex and warrant a large pool of data
-         -The pupil may be asked to read book from library ,search on internet ,study of charts ,graphs and other reference material

5) Organizing and evaluation the data

-The data collected are then properly organized and evaluated
- The unnecessary or irrelevant data are avoided

6) Formulating tentative solution

-The pupil goes on generating hypotheses on feasible solution connected these with relevant data and makes tentative inferences

7) Arriving at the final solution

-The tentative solution are pooled together and tested for acceptance or rejection
- Everyone should be express his views freely

Distinction between project and problem solving method
Project method
Problem solving method
1) physical activity leading to concrete product

2) less importance to mental activities

3)get practical experience

4) not a aim to get solution
Physical activities resulting in a mental product

More importance to mental process

Less practical experience

Ultimate aim get a solution s

3.5.6 inductive & deductive method
-         Thinking moves from particular to general
-         Give opportunity for active participation by the students in the process of discovery


-         The child develop independence ad self confidence
-         Psychological method
-         Logical method
-         Active participation for students
-         Reduce dependence on memorization and homework
-laborious and time consuming
- Not suitable for all topics
-Generalization is not attempted in inductive thinking
- Sometime lead the learner to wrong generalization
Deductive method
-General to particular
-Learner assumes a rule or generalization and verifies or applies it to interpret particular situation
Deductive method
Inductive method
1) general to particular
2) method of verification
3) quick method
4) encourages dependence on accepted principles
5) readymade knowledge
6) downward movement
Particular to general
Method of discovery
Very slow
Principles are independently generated
First hand information
Upward movement

3.5.7 Case study
-Case study will present the student with a complex problematic situation that stand in the way of smooth functioning of a commercial concern
-Analyses the case and explore the exact nature of the problem as well as the causes leading to it
-The aim is not to find out a solution to the problem, but to train him in the technique of in depth analysis and decision to be applied in future.
3.6 Techniques of Teaching Commerce
3.6.1 Review
- The mental process of going through some material after it’s initial learning
-Review Is an intelligent re-examination of something learnt with a view to clarify ideas, re-organize the material and register it appropriately in the cognitive structure
Suggestions for the success of review
-Review is not just a repetition
-New organization of knowledge already attained
-Assimilation in order to ensure filling up gap and them to help retention
-Intelligent exercises or assignment given at the end of each unit or topic may be used for the purpose of review
-Verification, checking or gathering of information on the material learnt
3.6.2Role playing
-         Students assume an identity other than their own and play the role of others with whom the new identity has been assumed
-         The role play exhibit behavioral pattern they believe are characteristics of those roles in specific social situations
Types of role play

Structured role play
-the situation to be enacted in advance and specific and specifies the goals of the activity
-proper planning is required for this
-describes the role and situation is also presented in advance

Spontaneous role play
-         Midst of a discussion
3.6.3. Brainstorming
- Brainstorming is basically an activity designed to promote creativity
-Brainstorming is upon eliciting from the students as many different ideas as possible for more carefully consideration at a later time
-They are never rejected during the process of brainstorming however inappropriate or even irrelevant they might appear to be
-This technique is very useful for enhancing the contribution and involvement of students in the teaching learning process
3.6.4 Simulation
-Simulation in the presenting of a problem or an event presented in artificially created situation similar to the real ones